Off-Campus Student Life
In alignment with the mission of Student Affairs at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Off-Campus Student Life is committed to educating all students (undergraduate, graduate, and professional) in life skills related to living off campus and in the community. These skills include:
- Becoming responsible tenants and community members knowledgeable of city ordinances and community quality of life issues
- Making informed choices about housing and roommates
- Gaining proficiency in problem solving when landlord and roommate difficulties arise
- Understanding personal safety and responsibility
It is no accident that, with very few exceptions, every Carolina first-year undergraduate lives on campus or in Granville Towers. On campus housing helps undergraduate students form the connections necessary for a more successful transition into the University environment. Research clearly concludes that students who chose to live on campus are more likely to perform better academically, have a greater persistence toward their degree completion, and form healthy relationships with faculty, staff, and students. At Carolina, almost 70% of all sophomores also live on campus.
For many students, transitioning into off campus housing is as much a part of their college experience as first moving into the residence halls. For graduate and professional students, living in graduate housing like Baity Hill or in the community (Chapel Hill, Carrboro, or beyond) during their entire time at Carolina fits with their place in life and needs as a post-college adult. But, there can be significant challenges when leaving the intentional structure of an on-campus living environment. We are here to help students navigate their way as successful neighbors in our greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro community. We advocate for and educate toward the development of students as knowledgeable, active, and responsible community citizens. Students living off campus and in the community have rights and responsibilities associated with their pursuit of an enjoyable and safe living experience. We provide services and educational opportunities to promote the understanding of these rights and responsibilities throughout the off-campus student population.
Please check out our two resource websites http://offcampus.unc.edu and http://offcampushousing.unc.edu as well as our Off-Campus Living Guide for tons of useful information about living off-campus and finding housing in the community.