CUAB and SLL Hallery Art Submission

Thank you for your interest in displaying your work in the Hallery!

The Hallery is located at the bottom of the Union, connecting the lounge area to the Wendy’s. Each piece will be displayed for 3 to 4 weeks at a time, with new collection rotations on a monthly basis. Longer display times depend on availability and can be discussed. Submissions are on a rolling basis, and you are free to apply multiple times throughout your time at UNC.

The art is on display until it is taken down by SLL and CUAB. If, for whatever reason, you wish to reclaim your piece before the 3 to 4 period is up, please contact our office to work something out. If you take the art down yourself, you will be disqualified from submitting again.

General Information:
Art Information:
Medium of Art
Audio file:
If you wish to upload more than one audio file [due to this being a series, or for any other reason] please email with the files and an explanation.
Pictures of the Piece(s):
Pictures are required for decision and record-keeping purposes. If you are worried about your work, we are open to printing the picture as an alternative.
Additional piece:
Additional piece:
If your series is more than 3 pieces, please create another form. At the end of the form, when submitting, there is a section for notes. Please indicate that the second application is part of the previous' series.

Disclaimer: Submitting your art does not confer that your art will be displayed. By submitting your art, you are giving CUAB and SLL permission to display your work at no cost. By releasing your art, you are accepting that it is in an insecure, public location and that we cannot prevent theft or damage of pieces. The Union overall cares about art, and the display of it is to bring life to the building, but we do not have security measures to protect your art while it is on display.